Private Limited Companies

Incorporation of a Private Limited Company

A company is a business entity registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 50. It has a legal personality i.e. it has rights to own properties, has perpetual succession and can sue or be sued in its own name. It usually has the words ‘Pte Ltd’ or ‘Ltd’ as part of its name.


The features of a Company (Private Limited) are as follows:

  • A business form which is a legal entity separate and distinct from its shareholders and directors
  • Exempt Private Company –20 members or less and no corporation holds beneficial interest in the company’s shares
  • Private Company – 50 members or less
  • A separate legal entity from its members and directors
  • Can sue or be sued in its own name
  • Can own property in company’s name
  • Members not personally liable for debts and losses of company
  • At least one shareholder
  • At least one director ordinarily resident in Singapore
  • If a foreigner wishes to act as a local director of the company, he can apply for an EntrePass from the Ministry of Manpower
  • Profits taxed at corporate tax rates

Treasurer’s advisory offers the most comprehensive company incorporation package in Singapore, our incorporation service includes the following:

  • ACRA incorporation fee ($300)
  • ACRA company name check and reservation ($15)
  • Constitution
  • First board resolution
  • Issuance of share certificates
  • resolution to open a company bank account
  • one company seal ($80)
  • Business profile
  • Advisory on Compliance Requirements